Our Services

We work from an international level, supporting the development of normative principles and standards for data use, down to an individual company or organisational level, where we design and produce data management strategies, policies and protocols.

Supporting policymakers

We support governments, international development organisations, NGOs and companies with the creation of data policy.

We provide assistance to policymakers around the world and across sectors. We do this by producing knowledge briefs, policy research and recommendations to inform decision-making processes that relate to the use of data and digital technologies.

Strengthening data governance in practice

At an organisational level, we strengthen people’s and organisations’ knowledge of digital data and how it can be responsibly used.

We don’t build data dashboards or IT systems but help craft the policies and protocols that guide their use across communities of practice. Our focus is always on understanding your needs, identifying good and bad practices in your data management, and helping you navigate the complexities of data regulation and use.


We work across professional disciplines, building on the experience of our partners and networks.

Data governance is multidisciplinary by nature. Depending on your needs, we can convene tailored teams of policy and thematic experts, lawyers and technologists. Our teams then advise on and produce data policy research and recommendations, organisational strategies and guidance.